Can Someone Sue For Defamation?
Do you know what defamation is? It is a wrongful act against the character that ruins the reputation of an individual. However, the law tries to balance their interests by providing every individual the right to speech. Obviously, we all don’t have the same beliefs and interest but it is not fair to say lies about any individual that can hurt the sentiments and destroy their reputation as well. So, let us discuss defamation, its types, and results that can save the victim or sue the defamer by allowing the skilled defense attorney to assist. Defamation Types: Libel Vs Slander: Generally, the words said verbally are slander and statements made in written are known as Libel. Written statements always last for a long time as compared to spoken words so mostly the chances of this wrongful act are in the form of Libel. Publication: Publication means the third-party saw the statement somewhere. This means it is the person ...