What is the Difference Between Prosecutor and Lawyer when it comes to Investigation

In the field of law, some very basic terms seem to be similar but are not. There is very little difference in them, making them different. The one such terms are prosecutor and lawyer. Although they seem to be used interchangeably, some legal constraints make them both vary. A lawyer can be a prosecutor, but a  prosecutor cannot be a lawyer. To understand these terms in detail, let us know their roles and responsibilities.

Who is a prosecutor?

A prosecutor is a legal representative of the prosecution in the state, and they represent the case in the court and help the prosecution to get justice. A prosecutor can either represent an individual or an organization, and the client for which the prosecutor represents the case can be a government or a private party. The roles and responsibilities of prosecutor include:

  1. The prosecutor has to represent the case in court. It is one of the significant responsibilities which he/she has to perform.
  2. To lead the investigation - The prosecutor has to guide the police on what matters investigation is required and what route to follow while undertaking the investigation.
  3. To file a prosecution - Once you are sure that you have enough evidence to file a case, then you can ask your prosecutor to file the prosecution on your behalf. Make sure you give complete details to them.

What is the difference between a lawyer and a prosecutor?

After reading the above-mentioned roles and responsibilities performed by prosecutors, you might be thinking they both are similar. Here are a few differences among them:

  1. A lawyer is a person who has obtained a law degree and is authorized to handle cases on an individual level. Whereas the prosecutor he/she works for a particular company and handles cases that are related to them only.
  2. criminal attorney, Huntington beach, directly gets indulged in the case investigation and is supposed to find the cues to prove their point in court. At the same time, the prosecutor guides the police in conducting the investigation. He/she does not get indulged in the investigation directly.
  3. Although both the prosecutor and the Orange County criminal defense attorney have passed the law exam and are authorized to handle the case in the court, the prosecutor handles the cases of the state and the central government. And the lawyer handles the cases of individual persons.

These were some major differences that mark the difference between the prosecutor and a range County criminal defense attorney or a lawyer.


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